
Media project: "This is how Germany builds" - Company short profile – Firmenkurzprofil 2019 (PDF ca. 150 KB) - in German -

Fachvortrag DWA: "Solution approach for temporary overloading of a wastewater treatment plant“ 2018/2019 (PDF ca. 2,1 MB) - in German -

Broschüre: 100 years of DAR - Time travel through 100 years of engineering knowledge 2015 - in German -

Umweltreport: Energy Consumption and Savings Potentials in Wastewater Treatment Plants 2009 (PDF ca. 570 KB) - in German -

Umweltreport: Treatment of stormwater runoff by retention soil filters 2008 (PDF ca. 960 KB) - in German -